SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2020, Vol 9, Num, 3     (Pages: 011-018)

Estimation of Sediment Yield Based on Field Measurements and MUSLE Model in Kocadere Watershed

Gülay YILMAZ 1 ,Lutfullah ARUĞASLAN 1 ,Gözen YÜCEERİM 1

1 Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi, İzmir-Türkiye

DOI: 10.21657/topraksu.700706
Viewed: 1418
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The geographical location, topography, soil characteristics, favorable geomorphological structure to erosion, land use changes and climatic conditions of Turkey, increase soil sensitivity to erosion. Therefore, soil erosion and consequent sedimentation are the most important problems that threaten our soil and water resources. In this research conducted between the year of 2009-2013 in Balıkesir- Bigadiç-Kocadere Watershed, it is aimed to determined sediment yield based on the rainfall, runoff and suspended sediment measurements in subwatershed. 5 year measurement results covering the years 2009-2013 were evaluated in the research. Sediment rating curve of the watershed has been derived from flow rate and suspended sediment measured with automatic sediment sampler at the subwatershed. With reference to this, annual average sediment yield of subwatershed was 2.11 ton ha-1 yıl-1. At the same time, in order to estimate of watershed sediment yield, MUSLE (Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation) equation was used. Sediment yield estimated by MUSLE for the research period was 2.22 ton ha-1 yıl-1. The applicability of the MUSLE model under watershed conditions was tested with sediment data measured in the field during 13 individual events and obtained coefficient of determination was 0.92. MUSLE gave better results in predicting sediment yield for high storms.

Keywords : Balıkesir Bigadiç, watershed, MUSLE, sediment yield, soil erosion