SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2020, Vol 9, Num, 3     (Pages: 019-024)

The Variation of Agricultural Wastes Biomass Energy Potential of Turkey

Mahmut POLAT 1

1 Geçit Kuşağı Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü-Eskişehir

DOI: 10.21657/topraksu.692275
Viewed: 1358
Downloaded : 760

In general terms, biomass contains organic materials that can be used as fuel and are measured by their dry weight. Biomass energy which is obtained as a result of burning these materials. The raw material of agricultural biomass is agricultural wastes or residues.

In this study, agricultural production data was used for six species crops, including wheat, barley, sunflower, maize, cotton and sugar beet which is common cultivation of Turkey, year of 2001 and 2018. The biomass potential of agricultural residues was calculated on the basis of product and year, and the change for 18 years period was examined.

The agricultural residues biomass energy potential of Turkey has been estimated that approximately 53 493.91 GWh and 67 984.03 GWh, for year of 2001 and 2018 respectively . The change for this 18 years period is approximately 27%.

Keywords : Turkey, biomass, agricultural wastes, heating value