SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2020, Vol 9, Num, 3     (Pages: 031-040)

Determining and Mapping the Fertility and Microelement Scopes of the Agricultural Soils of İzmir Province

Nejat ÖZDEN 1 ,İdris USLU 1 ,Ömer SÖKMEN 1 ,Faruk METİNOĞLU 1

1 Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü, Menemen / İzmir

DOI: 10.21657/topraksu.701590
Viewed: 1268
Downloaded : 644

This research was carried out to determine the fertility and microelement scopes of the agricultural soils of İzmir province and to create a database and distribution maps (pin maps) by using geographic information systems technique between 2014-2017. Within the scope of the research, a total of 502 soil samples, representing agricultural areas, were taken from 0-20 cm soil depth with 2.5 km x 2.5 km grid intervals. In soil samples taken; texture, pH, EC, lime, organic matter and extractable phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese analyzes were performed. Soil analysis results were classified according to certain criteria and deficiency, adequacy or excess levels of nutrients were determined. After the classification of soil parameters, a database was created within the scope of GIS and soil distribution maps were produced via Inverse Distance Weighted method. According to the results it was found out that, 55.18% agricultural soils of İzmir was sandy-loamy, 49.60% was mildly alkaline, 42.03% was slightly saline, 57.17% was non calcareous-slightly calcareous, 55.98% had minimal organic matter. In terms of available elements, 28.09% did not have enough phosphorus, in terms of extractable elements 47.21% had high potassium, 90.84% had high levels of iron, 96.61% had high levels of manganese, 44.42% had zinc and 69.91% had medium levels of cooper.

Keywords : Database, İzmir, micro plant nutrient element, soil fertility, IDW