SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2012, Vol 1, Num, 1     (Pages: 047-053)

Effects of Climatic Changes on Cotton Production

A. Baydar 1 ,R. Kanber 2

1 Tarsus Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Araştırma Enstitüsü, Mersin
2 Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Adana

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This study was carried out to analyse probable effects of climatic changes on cotton production and determine activity reports for the future under Seyhan Plain conditions in 2010. 2006 year activity reports of DIMAS Project which has been applied on Research Field of the Agricultural Structures and Irrigation Department used to determine reaction of cotton crop to water and other development factors at present and estimate reactions in the future. Terch-Rams regional climate model results used to determine future climate and Cropgro model ran within Dssat 4.0.2 in the future conditions and impacts of climatic changes on cotton crop has been estimated. Depends of the CO2 enrichment and temperature rising cotton yield has estimated 5% decreased and obtained 3.578 kg/ha. Biomass was obtained 13.979 kg/ha with increase of 8%. Biomass decreased with temperature rising. Harvest index increased %15. It was obtained that Cropgro Model is not suitable model for estimating leaf area index in Lower Seyhan Plain conditions. There will be no significantly changes in cotton evapotranspiration between first flowering to harvest in the future. In 2070-2079 years depends of the climate change effects on cotton growth period will be short according to present days in Lower Seyhan Plain conditions.

Keywords : Crop Simulation Model, cropgro, climate change, cotton, Terch-Rams Model