SOIL Studies

SOIL Studies

2013, Vol 2, Num, 1     (Pages: 023-029)

Reaction Changing and Distribution of Agricultural Land for Tea Cultivation

Mehmet Arif Özyazıcı 1 ,Orhan Dengiz 2 ,Mehmet Aydoğan 1

1 Karadeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Samsun
2 Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü, Samsun

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This research was carried out to determine variations of soil reaction and their distribution in tea cultivated soils that have many speciality features as compared to other soils in Turkey. For this aim, total 262 soil sample were collected from tea plantation area located on Artvin, Rize and Trabzon and their analysis were done. According to results, pH values of tea cultivated soils were found between 3.14 and 6.39. 4.50–6.00 pH values of soils accepted the best roil reaction values for tea plant were determined 22.92%, 3.87% and 32.20% in Artvin, Rize and Trabzon provinces, respectively. The lowest pH values of the tea cultivated soils were detected in Rize province that has the highest percentage in terms of low pH values. In addition, it was determined that 86.26 % of the tea cultivated soils in the region has lower pH values than threshold level for ideal pH values. Consequently, this research shows that low pH values of cultivated tea soils in region has still continued as problem in today. For that reason, it is necessary that these soils have been rehabilitated in terms of pH for tea plant growing condition.

Keywords : Tea plant, soil reaction, Eastern Black Sea